Monday, July 4, 2011

When I stop and think . . .

A Short Day Dream

When I stop and think of you
Its as if I’ve stopped to smile
I’ve taken some time to “be with you”
And I try to stay a while

When you become my central thought . . .
(As much as I’d like that to be)
I soon must turn my mind from you
For my thoughts are not reality

 In my mind I feel your hands, your lips,
I touch them slow and soft
If we dare to move closer; go further
We’ll have to pay the cost
Within my daydream the price is low
For we’re free to do as we please
We erased the obstacles to becoming intimate
By agreeing to the required fee

And as you know
This is not the truth
It has not come to pass
That is why, you see;
My dreams are short
Long enough to smile or laugh

Original ~Kimberly “Princess” White

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